Daily mileage 83miles Average Speed 13.6mph Ride Time 6hr05min
Total Mileage 3075
We attempted to cook porridge in the ice bucket in the microwave but it was difficult to get it warm enough without nuking the bowl, it didn’t even taste good after adding chocolate milk! On the road at 7.30am it was fresh still and it took us a good 10 miles to feel remotely comfortable on the saddle.
After 19miles we stopped at the first opportunity which was the visitor centre at Craters of the Moon National Park. We actually cycled right through the huge park which was really quite different. The landscape was black rocks of varying sizes and shapes everywhere you looked with the green rolling hills and farmers fields in the background.
We carried on for 24 miles before we came across the next town of Carey. We would probably have stopped sooner but there was simply nothing in between as we are in the middle of nowhere. A motor cyclist actually slowed to talk to us yesterday to say Wow, you guys are awesome, your biking in the middle of nowhere, good on ya and good luck!
At Carey we had lunch in the shade and slapped on more sun screen as the temp was back in the high nineties. From Carey we plodded on for 22 miles to Richfield which was a tiny place with nothing but 4 bars and a library! We had a soda then chilled in the library for a while to escape the heat and revive our sore rears. We seriously debated stopping here and camping down by the river but it was only 1.30pm and too hot to set up tent with nothing to do so we reluctantly decided to carry on.
With the music on to ease the final 16 miles of the day it was a bad time for one of the ear pieces to stop working! We arrived in Shoshone where we debated the RV park with no showers or the B&B with air con, bed and showers! I was convinced we deserved comfort as we broke the 3,000 mile mark today, hurrah! With a quick supermarket trip we relaxed in the quaint old room with net curtains and floral bedding pleased with today’s efforts.
yeah ! on the 3,000 milestone...looks like a lovely and quaint bb