Sunday, 29 August 2010

Day 101 Vancouver

Saturday 28th August
Daily mileage 17miles Average Speed 9.25mph Ride Time 1hr50min
Total Mileage 3995

Another lazy morning, doing some laundry, updating the blog and bike maintenance before we ventured out about 1pm. We went to Broadway for some window shopping and lunch then we laid in the park for a bit, cycled round the waterfront and relaxed on the chair sculptures. We met Sarah and Howard at his work at 6pm then cycled over to Sarah’s place for home made pizza. We enjoyed a few beers and good conversation before cycling home at 11pm, in the dark again. It seems so weird cycling in the dark but here there are more bikes on the road than cars and any cars seem to put bikes first so you feel really safe.

We did some calculations this morning and have realised that we have spent £2,900 each for the 3 month trip where £900 of this was on flights and insurance. So £20 a day each which we feel is really reasonable especially when some might spend the same if not more on most package trips to say Las Vegas, Ibiza or Cyprus. Cycle touring can be as cheap as you want it to be depending on the level of comfort you desire. Of course all the strangers and warm shower hosts that we have had the pleasure of meeting have helped us stay on budget and we can not thank them enough.

We would also like to reiterate that we have been raising money for Cancer Research UK and we wish to make one last plea to anybody that has enjoyed reading our blog and following our adventure to make a donation to our chosen charity via the just giving link below, big or small would be greatly appreciated and thank you to everybody who has already donated.

1 comment:

  1. Never did a critical mass before,.looks like great fun. We are driving home today from a visit with our family,will be strange not getting on the bike each day anymore. Enjoy the end,its back to work soon!
