Saturday, 5 June 2010

Day 17 Niagara Falls to Grimsby

Saturday 5th June
Daily mileage 36miles Average Speed 10.05mph Ride Time 3hr37min
Last night there was an almighty thunder and lightening storm and it felt like we were in the middle of it being 6 stories high, although glad not to be in a tent. We made it to breakfast and retrieved our bikes from the meeting room, they were still there. We made our way out of Niagara Falls and am pleased to say it was lovely and sunny but there was a headwind that grew stronger as we left the built up area and the roads were still dodgy.
As we were busy reading the road signs for directions we did not notice the miles clocking up. We briefly stopped for a cold drink after 15miles through St Catherine’s before jumping on the service road which ran right the way alongside the motorway. We followed it pretty much all day and on our right the shore of lake Ontario kept us going.
We made it to a campsite at Fifth Point which is a conservation park. This should have cost us $33 but some how we managed to get stuck in a corner of the campground for free! We are on lovely grass, near to the clean shower block and a short walk away from the private beach and marina! Not bad at all. We threw up the tent and set off for the beach but the water was freezing so we sunbathed on the highest point looking out over the lake to the skyline of Toronto, our destination for tomorrow and it looks miles away.
We ate a fresh fish dinner at the restaurant on the marina then back to the tent for movie night as the rain just started to fall again, good timing. I just want to point out the distance for today does not represent the effort required as the head wind was relentless and despite sun cream our left side of our bodies are a lot redder than our right.


  1. Hi Kris and Allison!
    Jane and Pete from Ithaca, NY here.
    Thank you for the kind words about our visit. We truly enjoyed your company and sharing the excitement of your trip with you.
    Jane and I have been following your trip and enjoying your experiences ever since we met. I hope you'll continue to put route numbers and towns passed in your blog so we can follow closely.
    I wish I had thought to ask about hi-viz jackets because it happened that I had ten of them in the trunk of my car when we saw you at the Cayuga Lake State Park. Two of them would so easily have been yours, but the ones you had to buy look sufficient. I am glad you have them! I know that motorists, especially impatient or distracted ones, can be a real threat to cyclists. Above all, stay safe!
    I see that *most* of the time you are benefitting from the generosity of people you meet along your way. I know that will continue and hope there are few interruptions of it.
    Thank you for your daily blog! I know we join many who are watching your every pedal stroke.
    I want to wish the wind to be at your back except you're going the wrong direction for that. Still, may the roads be smooth, your sunscreen ultra-effective and the headwinds minimal.
    Pete and Jane

  2. what pete and jane said,,,LOL,,,always look forward to your posts :o)
